Age of Unity

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Date Item Raid Value
08/11/19 Chain Linked Drive Belt * The Burning Lands 5.00
08/12/19 ALT Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis * Gnome Memorial Mountain 10.00
08/25/19 Sinister Steamwork Chain Legs Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
08/27/19 ALT Depths Singing Blade * The Burning Lands 10.00
08/28/19 Sinister Steamwork Plate Wrist Ornament * The Burning Lands 5.00
09/10/19 Sinister Steamwork Chain Helm Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
09/17/19 Sinister Steamwork Cloth Wrist Ornament * The Burning Lands 5.00
09/23/19 Ondine Leather Helm Ornament * The Burning Lands 5.00
10/14/19 ALT Smoke Hides the Flames * The Burning Lands 10.00
10/22/19 ALT Servant's Mask * The Burning Lands 10.00
10/28/19 Etched Retention Bearing * Gnome Memorial Mountain 15.00
10/30/19 ALT Tongue of Pyronis * The Burning Lands 10.00
11/03/19 Sinister Steamwork Leather Legs Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
11/24/19 ALT Rolled Rack Gear Ear Cuff * The Burning Lands 5.00
12/01/19 ALT Master Abacus Panel * The Burning Lands 5.00
12/03/19 ALT Median Spellbound Ring * The Burning Lands 5.00
12/22/19 Sinister Steamwork Cloth Feet Ornament * The Burning Lands 5.00
12/29/19 ALT Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis * The Burning Lands 5.00
01/05/20 ALT Oxidized Strike Plate * The Burning Lands 10.00
01/05/20 ALT Laminar Plating * The Burning Lands 10.00
01/08/20 ALT Greater Spellbound Ring * The Burning Lands 5.00
01/20/20 Minor Kromrif Etching * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Faded Ice Woven Wrist Armor * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Restless Ice Cloth Robe Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Agatar, Griklor's Swordbreaker * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Glowing Kromrif Etching * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Restless Ice Chain Chest Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Restless Bunker * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Median Kromrif Etching * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/20/20 Faded Ice Woven Arms Armor * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/21/20 Restless Ice Leather Helm Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/21/20 Crystalline Buckle of the Servant * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/21/20 Restless Ice Cloth Arms Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/21/20 Frigid Gryphon Plume * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/21/20 Lesser Kromrif Etching * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/21/20 Tormentor's Sparkling Ice Spike of Dominance * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/22/20 Hunter's Cloak * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/22/20 Restless Ice Plate Wrist Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/22/20 Cold Steel Pauldrons * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/22/20 Restless Ice Chain Wrist Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/22/20 Necklace of Icesphyxication * Torment of Velious 5.00
01/26/20 Restless Ice Chain Helm Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Restless Ice Plate Feet Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Faded Ice Woven Legs Armor * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Greater Kromrif Etching * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Faded Ice Woven Feet Armor * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Brewbeard's Stein * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Diamondized Velium Ore Nugget * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Restless Ice Chain Hands Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Stormcaller * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/26/20 Faded Ice Woven Head Armor * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
01/27/20 Restless Ice Plate Arms Ornament * The Burning Lands 5.00
01/27/20 Crash, Darakin's Rod * The Burning Lands 5.00
02/02/20 Faded Ice Woven Chest Armor * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Suit of Restless Ice Leather * Torment of Velious 10.00
02/02/20 Guardian's Buckler * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Warlord's Signet * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Restless Ice Cloth Legs Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Restless Ice Plate Chest Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Restless Ice Leather Arms Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Restless Ice Cloth Hands Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/02/20 Froo Froo's Chopping Board * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/09/20 Restless Ice Cloth Feet Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/09/20 Restless Ice Plate Helm Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/09/20 Faded Ice Woven Hands Armor * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/18/20 Rage of Rallos, Cleaving Edge Grats * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/19/20 Mask of the Lost Dancer * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/19/20 Dark Droplet * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/19/20 Restless Ice Chain Feet Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/24/20 Caged Ice * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/24/20 Omen * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/24/20 Heartsplitter * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/25/20 Bridering * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/25/20 Shade's Final Breath * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/25/20 Claws of the Griffin * Torment of Velious 5.00
02/26/20 Restless Ice Leather Hands Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/01/20 Stormfury * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/01/20 Shaded Bauble * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/01/20 Windweaver * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/03/20 Restless Ice Chain Legs Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/04/20 Trice, the Ring of Three * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/09/20 Dusk Shroud * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/09/20 Restless Ice Leather Legs Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/09/20 Restless Ice Plate Hands Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/09/20 Weather * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/10/20 Restless Ice Cloth Wrist * The Burning Lands 25.00
03/15/20 Restless Ice Plate Legs Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/15/20 Restless Ice Chain Arms Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/15/20 Velium Reinforced Corrupted Drake Canine * Torment of Velious 5.00
03/17/20 Sinister Steamwork Chain Wrist Ornament * Gnome Memorial Mountain 5.00
03/23/20 Restless Ice Cloth Helm Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/01/20 Mastodonic Balaclava * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/05/20 Restless Ice Cloth Chest Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/06/20 Cincture of Crippling Malice * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/07/20 Translucent Velium Bludgeoner * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/12/20 Restless Ice Cloth Wrist Ornament * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/14/20 Maleficence * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/20/20 Derakor's Dirge * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/20/20 Velium Threaded Girdle * Torment of Velious 5.00
04/20/20 Jibbity Jabber * Torment of Velious 5.00
... found 798 unique items / 100 per page

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